The last pages I had of Franklin's report so far dated back to April 2007. I have since then received his diary for the last months of 2012.

Quite apart from this extravagant story of being 'bothered' by remote control in his daily life and sleep, I remembered Franklin telling me once about a friend he hosted back in 2001 in his old derelict house in a nearby village. The guy was from former East Germany. He had been violent and menacing to burn the place down. He had eventually turned it into some kind of bunker that Franklin could not even enter. In the end a lawyer had to be paid to sort the problem of getting the guy to leave. Franklin had been asked and agreed to give the guy 10,000 francs and his car in order for him to leave. That happened in October 2001.
I wonder whether the two stories are linked actually.

Did the guy know Mr Ynard? Yes, he used to go there for a shower now and then. Did he know the neighbours? No, but the idea could have occurred to him later of contacting them being assured that Ynard would then come to Franklin for help eventually...
Perhaps... This could be a new track of investigation.

Here is Franklin's diary for October 2012.

"If I say I have some white light in my eyes people are going to laugh at me and say I have watched Stargate too often. But science-fiction is not pure imagination, it is also about science as it is called. In any case this light I have in my eyes, I only recently related it to the 'stargate' television series.

As the quantity of that white light in my eyes was increasing I looked for a way to get rid of it. I found that by rolling my eyes around under closed eyelids I could see white circles and by rolling my eyes around for a while it became paler. One other way to erase it is to press my eyeballs in circular movements with my finger. This light then disappears bit by bit provoking spasms on my whole body.
Last night, early this morning, as I was trying to get rid of this white light more intense in my right eye, as I was nearly free of it, a very big bang fell on my head. Stronger than usual.

The first time it happened to me was about 3 or 4 years ago in the loft as I was lying on my bed. It hit me hard enough to make my head lift off the pillow. It is a strange feeling as it is not a physical blow with some object but a virtual blow, so to speak, which has yet the same effect.

Apart from white light in my eyes it seems I get 'charged' with some kind of electricity that provokes my body to shake quietly and constantly without being able to stop it. I have tried to understand this, how it worked and how I could get rid of it. If it is of electrical origin then I can try to 'earth' myself. When I do some gardening I place my fingers in the earth and then my whole body shakes in spasms until the electricity is gone. The other way is to take a bath mentally relaxing all my muscles. In both cases it seems to work. But every night I get a new charge anyway.

Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Last night I received 2 mild bangs on my head, one at 2:10 am and one at 5:10 am. I covered my head with a large porcelaine dish and was able to sleep without the usual shaking. When I can sleep without shaking I get up without being tired and exhausted. When I took the dish away around 5 am I received the second hit. I got up and pulled the blind down on the roof window. Maybe it is non-conductible as I was able to sleep in peace after that.

Yesterday I heard a voice as I woke up, a woman's voice in French uttering one single word. It is so furtive that I have forgotten the word but the voice was very real. It does give the impression that I have dreamed it afterwards.

The power of the strike on my head depends on the amount of white light and static electricity I have in my body. Now I take great care to get rid of that by taking a bath and/or by clenching all my muscles as soon as the shaking starts. It seems to work.
When I manage it I get up without being tired and exhausted causing me to drag myself around all day."

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