Having typed this document under Ynard's dictation Franklin went to bed around 4am.  It was a very dark night when Mr Ynard walked back to his car to leave.  A few days later he came back to see Franklin again who had been patient enough to listen to his mad story.  He had more to say.

17 Feb: When I left my friend's place in the dark of the night with the document printed, I saw a bunch of multi-coloured lights fall on my car at the driver's door.  Once at home I could hear a voice reading the very report and saying: 'it's OK, it's OK' 
Later in the evening I was submitted to some sort of test regarding my ears.  It felt as if I had a drill working in my ears.
19 Feb: All day Sunday I worked around my place trying to find some evidence or a piece of equipment that I could use as evidence of what was going on.  I opened up the wooden floor and undid part of the brick chimney. But in vain.
Around 7pm I heard: 'it's fallen in the stove'.  I rushed to the stove which was out and looked everywhere.  I finally found a tiny flat object about 5cm long with sort of branches on each side.  It was black with soot.  I remembered having heard a funny noise of something falling in the stove when I had started the fire before but I had forgotten about it. I left the thing wrapped in aluminium paper on top of the fire place until the next day when I took it to a lawyer.  It kept emitting a soft sound of a sort hard to describe.
21 Feb: This 'aerial'(?) didn't fall from heaven.  I demolished part of the brick wall above the stove to have a look.  Seemingly up above in the side of the chimney level with the attic floor a hole had been plastered down recently by the white look of it.
24 Feb: In the dark I often notice a very white light beam in a corner of a room leading to the meter.  I presume that a laser beam could be used to hit my meter in direct line from my kitchen. The little object I found could be a kind of relay.

Having read so far, I asked about Mr Ynard's health.  Franklin said he had complained about his heart thumping at odd times, a constant state of exhaustion and vomiting for no apparent reasons.
He kept seeing white light beams sometimes on him directly.

Sunday: I have slept for a while but I can’t stay at home. It is hard to feel being spied on all the time. Came home around 5pm.
Around 7pm I hear the neighbours arguing again. I can hardly hear the jingle now but I noticed last night coming home that the neighbour had placed a big stack of wood under his hangar exactly where the jingle was coming from. Around 10pm arguing voices started again.

Monday: I do not hear anything this morning except for a couple of shouts. Then I hear: “you see” being said by the man. Then the woman: “he smokes, does he?” I actually got up during the night at about 2:45 as I could not sleep and I indeed smoked a cigarette. Then I hear “it’s over”. What? Their recording?

This morning I wanted to call a lawyer to get an appointment. My phone is not working. Frying tones. I had the technicians form telecom in for a check only three months ago and they changed all the plugs as well as the plugs location. I left the house around 9am and came back around 4:30pm. I can hardly hear the jingle. Went out in the garden with my dog. In the pathway I hear the woman’s voice without being able to locate where it comes from. It looks like they are trying to tune something: “go on, go on, a bit more, still” and it sounds as if it was coming from their hangar. The woman neighbour must not be going to work lately as she is not back home usually at that time of the day.
My phone does not work normally. I have to stop in the middle of a conversation as the frying noise is too loud. I keep hearing some shouting.
Tuesday: I hardly hear the jingle. I left home at 9:30 and came back at 4pm.
Between 6 and 7pm, I hear shouting and the woman going really mad.
Between 7 and 8pm, I hear nothing more except a car’s doors being slammed but their gate is closed. It seems as if there was a link between the jingle and one of their cars which I can’t quite figure out.
9pm: shouting again. I hear: “that’s enough” I hear steps on a noisy wooden floor, a strange noise along the wall, the heavy lid of some kind of meter that is being closed, then quiet. It sounds as if something had been disconnected because I can hardly hear anything anymore, at least nothing I can understand apart from shouting angry voices.

Wednesday: 1:30am I am being woken up by the jingle although I was not hearing it anymore before. I hear the sounds of voices arguing and fighting.
2:45am Same thing, I still hear the jingle but the ‘bips’ are strechted out longer and arguing voices still. Don’t these people ever sleep? They did mention that they “had to do that during the night” and I think they are still trying to tune something right.

Thursday: 2:45am Woken up by the jingle. I got up. It sounds like they are discussing something. During the day the jingle is very discreet but I hear “you see, have you seen?”
Around 9pm I hear the same sound as two days ago of the heavy lid of a ground meter being closed. I went to bed at 9:30pm. Hardly lying in bed the jingle becomes louder. Angry voice of the neighbour and the jingle is turned down.

Friday: 1:25am Woken up by the jingle. This time it is very loud. I get up and the jingle is turned down. Woken up again at 5am. The jingle is very fast and I hear the neighbours arguing very loudly. They are screaming.
At 7am I open my door. The outside lamp at the neighbours is on. I hear a voice coming out of their hangar for one, and from their attic for the other one. I think they are into their strange antics again.

Saturday: 8:45pm The jingle is going out of control, its rhythm being accelerated as if it was out of control. The neighbours come out of their house and seem to be completely panicked. The outside lamps are on. I hear the woman say something like: “I’ve got it now” and the jingle stops.
Sunday: The jingle is very low. They make a point to turn it down around 10pm as I hear the woman say from outside something like: “can it be heard?” I still have the blue light points, sometimes red ones that locate me wherever I am.

Monday: I went out in the evening around 7pm. I saw that the light in the neighbours attic on the side of the road was on. Have they shifted their computer?
Tuesday: The jingle is still there but can be heard only at times.

Monday: They are setting up something else in their house.
Friday: This lousy jingle sound around my house is still there. It can hardly be heard and it varies in intensity. It must be monitored on a computer by the woman who turns it up or down at her will. If I cut the power at my place, it cuts something off at their place. The optic points of light are still there.
4pm The jingle starts and stays on until 2am when I just cut the power off to be able to sleep a bit. I cut the power a few times before and I realised that it blocked something with them.

Saturday: Jingle until 9pm. I cut the power off one by one or altogether. The jingle stops and the neighbours scream.
Sunday: I had hardly put the power back on around 3am that I hear steps on a wooden floor and the man saying “get up… power” but the woman does not agree. I stayed up until 6am. Around 8am I went into the kitchen with a torch. The man said “there is light in the kitchen” and the woman replied “you must be wrong” Well yes, the power was cut off.
Where can they see all this if not with a camera. The whole afternoon until late my neighbours inspected all my electrical wires and cables. They are looking for the main cable, I can hear them talk. This confirms that there is a link between my power cables and the jingle I hear all the time. Around 6pm I hear sounds and voices in the empty house next to mine on the other side.
Around 8pm loud voices come up, they are screaming. I can hear “cnil” Indeed I have written a letter to the c.n.i.l. in the early afternoon. No doubt there must be a camera somewhere watching me for my letter to be known by them. But how?

The jingle that I hear all the time sounds like the noise my laptop does when I look into my contacts and roll down the list fast.

Monday: I want to be sure of one thing. As they can read my mail I’ll try something. I write them a letter on my kitchen table. The expected happens: they read my letter out loud instantly. I left several messages for them on the table. I did not sleep at all during the night. Weird noises inside my house, music, loud voices. I also had the feeling they were observing my closed eyes to see if I was asleep as I heard “see, have you seen” which provoked a reflex move of my eye lids.
Tuesday: I hear “see, see, see” everywhere I go, in every room where I am. And then “where is he? What is he doing?”
Wednesday: Woken up by the man’s voice saying “that’s what he is hearing” talking about the jingle. When I got up I saw a multi-coloured bunch of lights in the dark of about 10cm in diameter. I had lost my balance. I was like drunk. I remember having woken up around 4am and having heard the neighbours say, like the previous night, “see, have you seen” I also remember having heard the woman say that I had a wrinkle on my nose.
My left ear is aching. Evil. I ask myself a question: when I am asleep what do they do to me for me to be in that state of exhaustion provoking vomiting. During that night loud noises and music again, impossible to sleep. They have fun checking if my eyes react and whether I hear them say “see, see, have you seen” or not. I heard the woman talk really softly, whispering. I went back to sleep.
Thursday: I was woken up by the voice of the woman clearly singing “prout prout cadet” as if she was very close to me.
Around 10pm I lied down on the sofa in my lounge delaying the time to go to bed as much as possible. I hear “just wait! He is not going to bed tonight” I stayed up until midnight. Then I laid on my bed with a (bandeau) on my eyes to avoid the “see, see, have you seen”. I heard the man say he had noticed the (bandeau). From then on I hear nothing more but I am not relaxed.

Friday: Around 3:45am I hear the man talking, it wakes me up and I get up. I hear “come down, quick, quick” The jingle makes a noise in my alarm’s wiring. I cut my alarm off with my remote control. I hear the woman say “I can’t get out”. Right, the jingle sounds like a continuous flat sound. Still with my remote control I activate “alert”. I get no answer from my operator. I tried again several times, same, no answer. I try to call, my phone does not work and I hear a fax machine noise. I type my access code on the alarm keyboard. I hear the man going mad. The alarm gets unstuck and the agent calls me, confirms that he did receive my alert messages but that my phone was blocked.
Around 5am I dialled 17 to call the police. I explained what had happened to me. The policeman reassured me.
Around 7am I heard the neighbours say “see, see, see” whenever I moved around in the house.
At 8am I got ready as usual not avoid being noticed.
At 8:30am the man realised I had called the police. I vaguely heard “internet”. The night before I sat down to make a phone call. The man said “he is making a phone call”. Taken by surprise I put the phone down and the other voice replied “no, there is no call coming through”. I think there might be another computer connected in the empty house on the other side of my house. One night I heard like a robot’s voice at the head of my bed saying “connected”.
Around 5pm I heard “he called his lawyer” Yes indeed I called a lawyer on my mobile. From then on I am aware that a very unusual complete system of spying me is in place and even my mobile which is duly coded can be read by this (incomprehensible) system.

Saturday: I learn aghast that even mail written 25km away from my place is being accessed by them as I hear them read notes that I actually wrote there. By which means?
During the day my neighbours daughters came to visit their parents and I heard “mum, stop this, it is serious, you copied her alarm code”

I finally became conscious that I was the victim of a monstrous neighbourhood quarrel starting to look like a thriller. If my alarm code was copied, if my phones are being listened to, if all the mail I write and receive is being read, I think I am in danger. I would very much like the authorities to take me seriously and come to my rescue.
(to be continued)

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