And now this is Franklin's diary for December 2012:

"Saturday 1 December 2012
Last night at 22:35 I received a hit on my head. Since I have placed some aluminium foil on the top bunk the hits on my head are not so strong.

Sunday 2 December 2012
Last night was really bizarre. Usually nights from Saturdays to Sundays are quiet. I still wait to see what might happen. At O:30 am I was hit on the top of my right foot as if by a needle. It is not new. Some years back I had a series of needle marks in straight line on my foot or at right angle as if a laser beam had marked me. This is just a potential explanation but the pain is real.

At 1:15 am I received a mild hit on my head and some light was thrown into my eyes from left to right in the usual way.
This morning I heard a human voice right on my face mumbling 'mmm' in a loud way to wake me up. I pretended not to hear and I did not move. The voice mumbled 'mmm' louder 4 times until I gave signs of waking up.

Monday 3 December 2012
A mild hit on my head at 22:30 and light sent into my eyes from left ot right last night. This morning woken up at 7:35 by a loud 'mmm' of a barytone voice followed straight away by the feeling of cotton legs. I spent a lot of time getting rid of the light in my eyes by massaging my eyeballs.

Tuesday 4 December 2012
This past night, nothing! Nothing at night and nothing in the morning. I woke up at 7:20 am by myself without a voice off near my pillow. Last night nothing, no bang on the roof, no spot of light, no white light in my eyes.
Only one thing to mention. As I was about to fall asleep I had the impression that the electrical system had been cut off. It does happen sometimes when an electric heater takes too much power. I thought there would not be any heating at all during the night but I was too far gone into sleep to bother. This morning I was surprised to see everything was fine. What does this all mean?

Thursday 6 December 2012
These last 2 nights, nothing. It is really wonderful to wake up and feeling fit without the usual heavy feeling of being exhausted.
This afternoon as I was having a rest in my hamock I was woken up by a man's deep voice straight into my face humming 'mmm' as usual."

Franklin's diary goes on like this until the end of December.
In early January he wrote: "This cannot go on any more. I need help".

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