I, Sherloque, was summoned by a chap called Franklin to see if I could make sense out of what an old pal of his had told him about a strange phenomenon happening at his place.  Although I have been retired for quite some time now, I decided to take the challenge and help a poor fellow with my wits.  Perhaps I could still prevent a major crime.

Franklin lived in a house in a village not far from his pal.  In January, Mr Ynard, the friend, came to visit him.  He was in a state of panic and looking very tired.  Franklin had never seen Ynard like this.  He started telling the story of being spied on non-stop day and night, not being able to sleep properly and getting up exhausted from a night’s rest every day.  Fiddling with scraps of papers covered with handwriting he asked if Franklin would be so kind as to type all this for him.

Franklin did in fact have a computer but it was in bits and it would have to be reassembled before he could type anything.  It was late too.  But Ynard went on talking with fever and fear.  Franklin decided to help.  Once the computer was ready they settled on the landing of the staircase, Franklin ready to type and Ynard dictating a text that was meant to be a ‘report’.  The story started some months earlier, each entry being dated and describing what had happened that particular day.

At the beginning Franklin shrugged his shoulders thinking poor old Mr Ynard was ageing.  Poor old Mr Ynard was getting tedious and paranoid.  Why would his neighbours want to hear and see what he was doing?  The night went on.  The dictating was slow as Ynard was constantly rearranging his notes, adding details he suddenly remembered.  By the time the ‘report’ got to page 10, Franklin was not shrugging his shoulders any more.  He started to think it was a case for me, Sherloque, to investigate.  That’s how I was called in the next day.

Here is the document Franklin handed me of Ynard’s “report”:

22 Nov: Haven’t been able to sleep for the last 4 days due to the shrieking sound that is heard in all the rooms all the time. I put the radio on full blast to cover that sound.  My dog cries and fidgets, shakes her ears all the time.
6 Jan: I have nicknamed that shrieking sound ‘jingle bell’; it is on all the time.
7 Jan: Jingle bell seems to come from the neighbours’ garage; it sounds like a presence detector.
11 Jan: The jingle seems to have softened down a bit but curiously I hear my neighbours talking.  I can pick out certain words fairly clearly such as: ‘it should go through’, ‘I don’t understand’, ‘to do that at night’.
12 Jan: Another jingle follows me around as I walk outside this morning.
13 Jan: The jingle wakes me up at 3am.  It is fairly loud and I hear talking.  I go and see up above my bedroom in the attic where the sounds seems to come from.  It seems to be coming on a big electric cable connected to my heating. 

During the morning the jingle varies in pitch and sounds like a hospital monitoring sounds that would have gone flat.  In the afternoon I disconnected my electricity a number of times and I heard voices saying: ‘can’t do anything’, ‘push before it stops’.
In the evening I heard a loud ‘super!’  During the night I heard like a shower handle fall on the other side of the wall.  The jingle isn’t loud but I heard a voice saying ‘ah shit!’, then: ‘what do you see?’ and ‘it’s all aluminium’.  I think I’m going mad.  I go up to the attic with a torch.  As I was standing near the big electric cable I hear like the shutter of a camera but no more voices.  Back in my bedroom I hear: ‘I see a suitcase, there’s a cake tin in front of the meter”.  Yes, that’s right I do have a suitcase in my back kitchen with vacuum implements and a copper cake tin.  Then I hear: ‘a cake tin?’, ‘yes a cake tin’, ‘I see books, a glass top’.  Now I figure out they’re visiting my lounge.  Then: ‘a bed?’, ‘yes, an antique bed and armchairs’, ‘a desk’. 

I’m totally flabbergasted.  I hear a voice saying ‘it’s enough now’ and then: ‘it’s a nice place’.  Round 4am my dog barked and came to get me.  I heard a car engine running.  At 4.30am I got up.  I put my barking dog out.  A light was on outside my neighbours.  I went back to bed at 6am.
Later before leaving the house, I heard: ‘you should have told me’.  When I came home in the evening I heard: ‘you must plug out’, ‘lodging a complaint’, ‘lawyer’, ‘consequences’, ‘do you realise?’ and then: ’no, I don’t give a dam’.

16 Jan: This morning I heard: ‘you see’ and then ‘he smokes?’, ‘it’s over’.  That’s right, last night as I couldn’t sleep, I got up around 2am to smoke a cigarette.
My phone doesn’t work.  Outside in the afternoon I heard as if something was being fixed or tuned in the neighbours’ garage.
17 Jan: It looks like there is a connection between the jingle and a car outside. 
18 Jan: 1.30am I am woken up by voices arguing about setting something up.
19 Jan: 2.45am woken up by jingle and voices saying: ‘do you see?’, ‘have you seen?’
21 Jan: The jingle seems to accelerate as if out of control.  I hear shuffle outside and a voice saying: ‘I’ve got it’ and then the jingle stops.
22 Jan: The jingle is quite low now.  I heard: ‘can you hear it?’  Around me and following me are bluish spots of light, sometimes turning red.
23 Jan: There’s light in the neighbours’ attic.
28 Jan: I phoned my neighbours and told them my house was not for sale.  After the call I heard fidgeting as if cables were undone.  I saw footsteps in the snow going to the empty house on the other side.
3 Feb: As far as I can understand it seems the sound of the jingle goes up or down at a request most likely from a computer.  When I cut my electricity off, something happens at the neighbours’.  The optic blue or red spots are still here.
4 Feb: I cut my electricity off one fuse at a time.  I go to sleep until 3am.
5 Feb: When I turn my electricity back on, I hear: ‘get up’, ‘power on’.  Then I turn it off again and I go to the kitchen with a torch.  I hear: ‘there’s light in the kitchen’, ‘you must be wrong’.  How can they see me? With a camera? I hear them mention the name of a letter I have written.  How can they see that?
6 Feb: I want to check something.  I sit at my kitchen table and write a letter addressed to my neighbours.  I hear them straight away reading out my letter.
During the night I get the feeling that someone is watching my eye lids provoking reflex movements.  I hear: ‘see, have you seen’.
8 Feb: Woken up by a voice saying: ‘that’s what he’s hearing’, probably talking about the jingle.  In the dark I saw a bunch of coloured light beams of about 10cm diameter.  I was dizzy as if drunk.  Through the night I remembered hearing things like ‘see, have you seen’ and someone saying I had a wrinkle on my nose.  My left ear is aching.  Why am I so tired when I wake up?  What do they do to me?
9 Feb: I stayedsd up late lying on the sofa avoiding to go to bed.  I heard: ‘just wait, he mightn’t go to bed at all to-night’.
10 Feb: Woken up at 3.45am by the sound of ‘quick, quick, come down quick’.  The jingle seems to be in my door alarm.  I disconnect the alarm with my remote control.  I hear: ‘I can’t get out any more’.
Round 5am I called the police to report what was going on.  I was told not to worry.
I got up around 7am hearing ‘see, have you seen’ every time I did something.
11 Feb: Totally dumbfounded I realise that letters written some 25km away from my place are being read by my neighbours.  How on earth is that possible?

Reading Ynard’s report gives me the shivers.  In my days spying on one’s neighbour was not so easily done.  I am out of touch with more recent technology.  Is Ynard really going round the bend?  Is he delirious?

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