So far, then, we have two guys living through the weirdest nasty experience of being meticulously observed in their daily lives in such a way that it can't be explained. Both in their different styles take everything down as witnesses of their own experiences. The questions to answer here are:

1. How are those people doing the spying, with what means and equipment?

2. Why, on what grounds, are they doing it?

Both victims are facing the wall of people pushing them away not wanting to know. This particular side of the problem is as hard to understand as the others. The third question to answer here is:

3. Why are people around them pushing them away not wanting to know?
I can't answer any of these questions at this stage.
Here is some more of Franklin's report. He says:

It is no fun at all. I would love to see these strange phenomenons cease but I don't know who to talk to about it for fear of passing as completely deranged.

Indeed, this is question no.3, maybe the hardest to understand really in this day and age when most people are educated and can analyse facts and figures at will. At this stage I have no clue.

9 May 2006
In the middle of the night I hear a sharp bang on the roof, loud enough to wake me up, and from then on I have the weird sensation of being lying on a shaking mattress. In my ears I have the sound similar to an iddling engine in the distance. My heart beats in the deep of my ears. I have stomach pains et a headache. One night I got up to see the time when this phenomenon occurs. It was between 2 and 4 in the morning. I tried lying down on the sofa where the phenomenon was not happening. After 5 minutes the sofa started shaking in the same way. I went back to bed where I was at peace for 5 minutes before the shaking and the humming sound of an engine start again. These nights are exhausting. I have no peaceful nights any more.

27 March 2007
I shall try to write down here every day about the effects on my body caused by this unknown way of tracking me. It has been going on for a year now. Unbearable at times. Unbearable also because it is impossible to talk about it to anyone without taking the risk of being labelled as mental.

One thing for certain now, I am tracked down even outside my own province. Driving my car to England I hoped for a while to be let loose. On the other side of the tunnel under the Channel I stopped feeling anything on me, up until about half way to Scotland. I was following a friend's car quite fast on the motorway when I heard a huge bang on my car. 

28 March 2007
Last night the vibrations were weak and jerking. Until now they have always been either strong or not there but never of low intensity. This morning early I distinctly heard in the deep of my throat a woman's voice saying in English "we're on". In the night someone took the room next to mine in the hotel where I am and started to make noises sounding like a sewing machine.

29 March 2007
I woke up exhausted from a night of non-stop vibrations on my whole body. My scars were hurting. What on earth can provoke all this? No identified means, but I have an idea that first I am tracked down and at the same time I am bombarded with electro-what's-it waves. But how?

12 April 2007
I take this diary up again here at home in my bed in my bedrom to write all the symptoms of what I am calling the 'crazy case'.

It has started again in a heavy way these last three nights. I have just got up to take up my diary and report what is going on. It is 1:40am. I was lying down half asleep expecting the usual vibrations to start at this time of the night, generally soft enough not to prevent me to sleep altogether.

Suddenly the vibrations came up full blast on my whole body. I feel in real danger. I cannot say what provoques this feeling. I can't even talk about it around me.

Here are the symptoms:
- the feeling of jerking and shaking together with a heavy humming in my left ear;
- the feeling of oppression on the body which gets tense;
- the bottom of my throat which becomes stressed.

If I still manage to fall asleep, I then wake up completly tensed with clenched jaws and often in the foetus position. Until now to protect myself I have used a porcelaine dish that I place on my head or on a precise spot where I feel the vibrations. When the vibrations are on my head it provoques a headache. If I place a porcelaine plate on top of my head it stops the vibrations which then go to another part of my body. Porcelaine does not conduct electricity. This is what gave me this idea as I think these vibrations must be of electric origin or at least of static electicity.   

Two days ago as I was bending down to pick up something in front of the barn's door, a huge and sharp bang noise hit the ground on a small board just next to me. I felt aimed at, it made me laugh. The bang noise seems to be used to locate me. I had indeed said and written that I would go to town that day and instead of that I was standing in front of my barn. I laughed when I got the 'bang' as I thought they had found me anyway. In England a month ago as I was the first car in line waiting for embarkment to the ferry the same sharp sound had hit my windscreen. That time it could not have been a would-be stone thrown by another car passing by.

13 April 2007
It is about 9am. I woke up completely exhausted. It has been like this for several days. Last night as the vibrations were weaker I tried lying down on my side. As soon as I started falling asleep the vibrations started up again. I therefore kept wide awake to see what would happen. The vibrations got weaker again. So I took a position to sleep again. And the vibrations went full blast. I put a porcelaine dish on my head and went to sleep anyway.

I would very much like to know what these vibrating waves are made of... electricity I presume, some kind of electro-shock. I have to find out.

14 April 2007
I am woken up by the vibrations on full blast. I get up to see the time. It is 4:30am I write this here in this book.

24 April 2007
It is past midnight. I have just gone to bed. The vibrations are on full blast. It is always linked to the sound of an engine in my left ear only. Both symptoms are on full blast. On top of that I have something like light waves in my eyes when they are closed. It had already happened once when I had seen precisely some white light in the shape of waves under my eye lids. This phenomenon stops when I place a porcelaine plate in front of my eyes, or even my arm actually.

Franklin's report stops here. At least it is all he gave me to read. He told me that once he was hit on the head hard to the extent it provoked his head to lift off the pillow three times. Would that posibly be coming from some kind of remote control taser gun? It is indeed difficult to explain all this and easy enough to declare Franklin mentally ill.

It is a bit too easy to declare him mentally ill instead of looking for a decent and scientific answer.

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