In early January Franklin left his place and his village and was not heard of for a while. I eventually met up with him and asked him what happened.

Here's our conversation:

SHERLOQUE: - Why did you leave so quickly?

FRANKLIN:  - I could not bear it any longer. I had to tell someone and get help. For a while I had been thinking of going to the police station to report my story but who would believe me? You know I surf on the net and on facebook a lot!

- Yes, I know that!

- Well, just after christmas some time I found out the police had a website and was keeping a facebook page. On their page I read that a new on-line system was being experimented to lodge a complaint. I jumped on that opportunity.

- And then?

- It was really great. I filled a detailed form on my screen with very detailed identity information and the address of the nearest police station to me... and I clicked 'enter' and that was it.

- You mean you told your story on that form?

- No, no. They ask you what kind of complaint is yours. I don't really remember. But I was full of hope. At last someone serious was going to listen to me. A few days later I got a phone call from my local police.

- And? Did you have to go and report your story there?

- No, they gave me an appointment to come and see me the next day. I remember 'before 5pm' because someone is coming to visit at 5:OO, I said... They quickly replied they would be at my place before that. I was so happy, you have no idea. At last I was going to be able to tell...

- Yes, but didn't you think your story was too far-fetched for the local police to hear it?

- Not for one minute. I was sure that because I had filed on internet I was going to be dealing with modern policemen.

- Ah yes, modern policemen who would believe that you get virtually hit by remote control and that a virtual voice wakes you up in the morning!!!

- Yes, I did think so. I know it sounds silly but look, I was educated in America and in my university you dealt with and studied all sorts of crazy stories. In a scientific way nothing is too weird to study.

- So they came to your place?

- Yes. Now this is the hard part. I opened the door eargerly to two young police officers, a man and a woman, both very young, in their twenties perhaps. They rushed in gingerly keeping a very stern face. They shook my hand. That was a nice handshake. And I said "sit down"...

- So far so good.

- Sherloque, I hope and trust you will believe what I am going to tell you now. I will do my best to say what happened exactly as I remember it.

- Go on then!

- First of all the young policeman went and stood straight near the window and aggressively declared he didn't want to sit down. I sat down anyway and the young policewoman did too next to me. "Tell us what's your problem"... I said I wrote everything down in a blog as mentioned on the form on-line. But he wanted me to explain further. I must have been hesitant, I don't remember. The young policewoman said she had printed a few pages of it and had just spent an hour on it. She could not make head or tail from it. I tried to explain I had written the blog as if it was a novel in order to be able to write as a witness because I guessed nobody would believe me otherwise. She gestured that the pages she had in front of her did not make sense. I said that on a blog the order is in fact reversed from the chronological order...

- Are you talking about the novel where I feature as a detective?

- That's it, yes. Have you read it? It is written in French and on line at:

- Yes, but go on.

- He said point blank: I don't believe anything you say. You should see a doctor and get treated. You are mentally ill... I felt then as if I had fallen from the 10th floor of a building. No, he was not going to believe anything I said. I tried to defend my case, mentioned that it once happened to me at a hospital when they did not want to believe I was in danger, sent me home. I nearly lost my life for it. Luckily a doctor saw the truth in it and sent me in emergency to be operated from gallbludder... You know, Sherloque, even that, I don't think the young policeman believed!

- What about the policewoman? Did she believe you?

- No, she was simply nodding to whatever the guy said. Only at one stage when I mentioned that in the news a young man who had killed his whole family had said he was hearing 'voices'... I shrugged my shoulders. The policewoman turned towards me sharply. But I have no idea what they really thought then. In any case I quickly realised I was in real danger with these two repeating I was mentally ill.

- My god, Franklin, what a story!

- When I realised I was in real danger from them I changed my strategy. I started saying they might be right, I shall go and see my doctor, yes, I'll make an appointment right now, to see a psychiatrist, yes, you are right. That is a technique I learned from aikido, you lean on the side of your aggressor until he is ready to fall and you swiftly disengage yourself. You know, Sherloque, when I think of it now, this policeman had come with the idea of taking me away right there. Maybe the presence of the policewoman stopped him from 'arresting' me. I regret that there was nobody else in the house. There was no third party to witness what I am saying now.

- You mean, they had come with the idea to 'arrest' you! But why?

- That's what I'd like to know.

- Go on...

- It is very painful, Sherloque, to relive this moment. He... I mean the young policeman, asked if I had anyone to look after me. I said I had a son. He seemed very surprised at that. Thinking of it now, this piece of information saved me. He threatened again to take me to a psychiatric hospital right away. But he backed a bit. He would come and fetch me in 3 days time. Meanwhile I had to see my local doctor. I said, yes, yes, of course. Then he asked if I owned the house... and also who was coming to see me at 5:00

- None of his business!

- I said I was helping someone from England with their house renovation problems and as I was bilingual I was used as a go-between... Just for a laugh, Sherloque, I think he didn't even believe that!!!

                                         ++++   ++++   ++++   ++++

After this 'interview' Franklin packed his bags, left his place and drove his car out of France. He does not know when he will come back.

                                                END  OF  STORY

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