What I, Sherloque, find rather odd here is that the old Mr Ynard did call for help from the police but did not get the appropriate answer. At his first phone call he says he was "reassured" by a policeman who probably thought he was just an old fellow getting senile. Had he been complaining about something before for no reason? Did they know him to be 'senile'? Anyway, here in the report he took to Franklin, he says out plainly that he felt to be in real danger and hoped that the authorities would come to his rescue.

Here is some more of Mr Ynard's report:

Friday: This report was typed on a computer some 10km from my home. As I boarded my car around 4am that day I saw a bunch of multi-coloured lights fall on the left hand side door i.e.driver's side of my car. A pitch dark night. Hardly half an hour later back home I heard the neighbours read this report comparing it with the previous one I had written by hand. The woman was reading it out loud and the man was saying "good, good". I found it strange to hear my neighbours voices at 4am, that's what made me listen.

In the evening around 10pm, real strange, once in bed I was submitted to what was like some test in my ears to see if I was hearing or listening. It felt as if I had a drill in my ears. This sound is somewhat lower now.

Sunday: I am going beserk. I want to find real evidence. I dismantled and tore the top part of my cupboard in the dining room, remembering that the woman had seen 'books' there. My books are on the last shelf of that cupboard. I found nothing suspicious.

Then I went up to the attic. I broke up part of the wooden floor with a chisel and a hammer all along the wall on the side of the empty attached house. I had heard like a camera's click in that area. I kept digging from 1pm to 5pm. I even hurt myself on my left hand but I found nothing.

Around 7pm as I was having dinner I heard the neighbours talking to each other at a distance like in the night of the 13-14th. I caught "it fell in the burner". I dashed to my cold wood burner in the dining room and I looked for something on the oblique plaque above the grid. I found a small object of about 5cm in length with something like 'branches' on each side. I quickly grabbed it. As I had a fire in the burner the day they had inspected my electrical wires, this object seemed to have been darkened by the fire. And I also remembered having heard something fall on the plaque when I had started the fire, but I had forgotten this detail. I placed this thing wrapped up in aluminium foil on the mantle piece. I then noticed that this little object was emitting a very slight noise hard to place.

Monday: I am really at a loss with what to do with this 'antenna'. Around 2pm I put the thing in a basket to take it to the lawyer I got in touch with. I heard the man say " hell" but without waiting for more I left hurriedly. I officially deposited it together with the report at the lawyer's office.

Here apparently there is a breakthrough. A lawyer should be able to assess the situation.
The report goes on:

This morning I got a phone call from the alarm system people telling me that the usual test they do every night around 10pm did not get through. It could mean that someone is using my phone line. I asked to be sent an written explanation to that.

Tuesday: I found on the cast iron plaque of my burner some brick debris. As I inspected the chimney from the dining room up towards the top I did not find anything suspicious. However this 'antenna' did not fall from the sky. I therefore decided to dismantle the chimney brick by brick in the attic to see where the object had fallen from. On the left of the chimney about level with the attic's floor but just underneath it looked like a hole had been made and replastered. On this spot the plaster is white whereas everywhere else it is covered in sute.

Friday: I had the phone line tested, as well as the phone posts outside on the road. Nothing was found suspicious.

Without being able to explain it I found streams of very white light in different areas of the house, especially in my bedroom where it is very easy to see them in the dark. After the telecom technicians had been I noticed this white stream of light along the front of the house as well as towards the power meter. My meter is situated at the back of the kitchen directly opposite to the door, in a diagonal to their hangar. It made me think that that they could be laser beams and that these small 'antennas' would be used as relays.

During the night I got up three times as I was hearing 'voices' in the distance as well as the shrieking loud jingle. In the morning I noticed that I could hardly hear them talk now. I presumed that they must have modified something.

I have had heart palpitations without explanations for some months now and this morning I saw that white light in the kitchen as I was taking my breakfast, still directed towards my meter. I suddenly had strong heart palpitations at the same time. The first time I felt heart palpitations I was lying down and my heart started pounding like mad without any apparent reason. These laser beams are directed on me, my eyes, full blast. I worry about my health.

I really think that we are facing here some top notch unusual spying equipment. My mail is read when it is open lying on my table. My in-and-out phone calls are listened to and received on internet by my neighbours.

During the night between Friday and Saturday as I was asleep I got woken up by the woman's voice saying clearly "you are on internet".

That is the end of Mr Ynard's report as typed and given to me by Franklin. He told me too that he tried to help by suggesting to drive to Paris and reporting this story to the c.n.i.l. which is an official body in France dealing with misuse of internet. So they did drive to Paris very early one morning. As they left their area about 50km out of their homes on the motorway Franklin told me that they saw a ball of light cross the motorway from left to right just in front of the car. Both of them saw it and mentioned it out loud. No explanation to that of course. They arrived in the centre of Paris at about 9am. Mr Ynard felt good. He went to the office of the c.n.i.l. quite confident that they would at least listen to him. But they turned him down saying they do not deal with private requests.

Now, as a detective, I find this most peculiar. It is now the third time Mr Ynard is turned down and told off. First with the police, second with the lawyer who simply filed the problem and third with this official body in Paris. Why?

What happened after that is no fun. Franklin started experiencing the same thing. Like Mr Ynard he wrote everything down as a witness and gave me his own report.

Here is Franklin's report:

In the night after I typed the document for Mr Ynard who had asked me for help, I became the target of similar strange doings. Several bangs hit my roof being fairly difficult to locate exactly and hard to identify. Every following night something strange happened.

Apart from numerous bangs on my roof I was woken up by a noise in the room as if of a camera click very close to my ear near my bed. Another time I was woken up by a shrieking sound in my right ear for about half an hour.

Another night again I was woken up by my heart pounding in such a way that it was ringing in my ears. I got up, went downstairs to see the time and check my heart beats: 90 beats per minute. It sounded faster than usual but what was so surprising was the sound it made in my ears.

These last few days I was totally unable to sleep. I can't go to sleep at all having the feeling to be lying on a moving mattress, as if I was being fried in a frying pan, together with a strange feeling in the throat and a headache. Last night I changed place, I tried lying down on the sofa. The phenomenon stopped for a while and started again. I went back to my bed. The phenomenon stopped again for a while and then started again. This morning it never stopped and has been following me everywhere: shaking all over, a headache and even pain on an old scar on my skull. 

12 August 2006
It is 4:45am. I am getting up in order to write down what is going on. This has been going on for the last four months. I still don't understand what is going on.

Here are the symptoms:
1) a sharp sound totally foreign to ordinary sounds in the house falling on the roof, or even sometimes inside the house, once even on the roof window giving the impression that the glass was cracking;
2) the shaking of my body entirely, light, swift and unc
3) a thick sound in my left ear like the thumping sound of an engine idling;
4) a real physical pain somewhere in my body, depending which day, at the moment in my throat, not on the tonsils, but lower down.

Recently I have had headaches that disappear when I get up, a physical pain on two scars, my heart pounding in my chest and in my ears in a strange way, a feeling that stops when I get up. I also feel like needles being planted in my feet, or in an eye, only when I am lying down. Also a weirdest feeling on my lower lip as if someone was trying to twist it. This stops when I put my arm in front of my face.

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